Entraînements et automatismes
Formations sur site

Formations sur site + Live streaming
Votre expérience d'apprentissage avec nos formations sur site au centre technique de Fuji Electric Europe à Barcelone.
Spécialement conçues pour les professionnels qui souhaitent améliorer leur expertise avec les variateurs de vitesse de notre série FRENIC, ces sessions permettent une plongée approfondie dans les aspects techniques mais aussi commerciaux de nos produits.
Vous bénéficierez d'une interaction directe avec nos experts, acquérant des connaissances pratiques grâce à des démonstrations en direct et un dépannage en temps réel. Cet engagement en face à face offre un environnement d'apprentissage dynamique, offrant des conseils personnalisés et des discussions plus approfondies en fonction de vos demandes.
Pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas y assister, nous proposons la diffusion en direct de nos formations sur site.
Formations à venir en 2025
Product Introduction: Key features and benefits of the new FRENIC-Ace E3 inverter, selection and configuration of the E3 series for various industrial applications.
FRENIC-GS: Powerful Applications
Product Introduction: Key features and benefits of the new FRENIC-GS inverter, focussing on high power applications, showcasing how the GS series masters capacities up to 3 MW and 690 V.
More information about our next trainings:
Formation antérieure
July 4th-5th 2024

Join us for a MEGA G2 training session at Fuji Electric Europe's technical center in Barcelona. This comprehensive training is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to fully utilize the new MEGA G2 inverter.
The training includes a practical component where you'll commission a motor and perform the tuning process yourself. This hands-on experience allows you to apply what you've learned and gain confidence in using the MEGA G2 inverter. At any time during the training, our technical engineer is available for individual questions.
In case you are not able to attend in person, you can follow our training via live streaming.
What You'll Learn:
- Inverter Overview & Selection: Understand the features of the new G2 inverter and how to select the right model for specific applications.
- Comparative Insights: Discover the key improvements and new functionalities of the G2 compared to its predecessor, the G1.
- Commissioning & Auto-Tuning: Learn how to commission the inverter and adapt it to any induction motor (IM) or permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using the auto-tuning feature.
- Customizable Logic: Explore how to customize the inverter for various applications using the Customizable Logic feature.
- Positioning & Orientation: Master the use of the built-in positioning and orientation functions for precise motor control.
Thursday 4th July 2024
10:00 Intro sizing and wiring 11:30 Setup process and motor control 14:30 Special and new features 16:30 Options and comms. 18:00 END | Friday 5th July 2024 09:00 Customizable Logic 1 10:00 Customizable Logic 2 11:30 Positioning 14:30 Q&A - Practical Training 16:30 END__________________________ |
- Date: 4-5 July 2024
- Location: Fuji Electric Europe GmbH, Sucursal en España
C/ dels Paletes 8, Edifici B, Planta 1, Oficina B · Parc Tecnològic del Vallès
08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) - Spain - Contact: info.inverter(at)fujielectric-europe.com